Our friends over at the great Operagasm have fused two of my great passions and posted a link to an episode of the 1968 animated Batman and Robin show entitled Opera Buffa. There’s not actual opera in it BUT the Joker does plan to steal a 2 million dollar gold tiara from the set of… [Read More]
8 Tips on How to Tastefully Have Wild Sex at Your Parent’s House Over the Holidays
In honor of Christmas, here is a piece Elizabeth and I wrote a couple of years ago. Last Christmas was my and my girlfriend (now fiancée)’s first as a couple. We decided to go to her mother’s together for Christmas as things were already super serious. Things got off to a great start in that… [Read More]
Mr Monko, Dorothy Hamill and the Nature of Poo

In honor of my nephew Duncan’s recent trip to New York, I am reposting a story about him I wrote a couple years ago. I spent this past Thanksgiving in Iowa with my half sister, my half brother, their mother, my mother, my half sister’s husband and their 3 year old son. This was all very… [Read More]
Metropolitan Opera Season Preview 2013-14 (Special All Girl’s Edition)
I recently thought to myself, who needs yet another overly cerebral, highly jaded heterosexual drag queen like me blathering about the upcoming Metropolitan Opera season on the internet? So I thought we’d let the my future wife and her soon to be mother-in-law have a go solo. Elizabeth – Ticket exchange for Met subscriptions began… [Read More]
An Interactive Video of a Man Being Slapped Across the Face with an Eel
Courtesy of eelslap.com Click pic above. You’re welcome. -Shawn E Mlines Related Links: 1980’s Sitcom Character Monroe Ficus Publicly Repudiates Actor Jim J Bullock 10 Sexting Autocorrects That Almost Cost Me My Sex Life Rick Santorum Overjoyed to Learn Jim J Bullock Not in Fact Dead, But Heartbroken Bullock Will Still Not Work with… [Read More]
General Manager of the Metropolitan Opera Rick Santorum Addresses Upcoming Season
General Manager of the Metropolitan Opera, Rick Santorum, addressed a crowd of reporters and well-wishers at Lincoln Center Plaza this past week. “My personal late night internet research has revealed to me that the last couple of seasons at the Metropolitan have caused Nathan Gunn and his vocal folds to go off half cocked. This… [Read More]
1980’s Sitcom Character Monroe Ficus Publicly Repudiates Actor Jim J Bullock
Actor Jim J Bullock was unavailable for comment after the fictional character he played for 4 years from 1983-1987 on Too Close For Comfort publicly repudiated the actor at a hastily called press conference in an abandoned pool near Tarzana CA. Not since TJ Hooker publicly burned William Shatner’s wig on television in 1992 has… [Read More]
Less is Moor: Otello at the Metropolitan Opera
We saw Otello at the Met this week. Thank goodness we basically agreed on this one. I was starting to worry we might be artistically incompatible as a couple. Elizabeth – For our latest adventure at the Met we were sitting in the rear orchestra. Now, I don’t know if it was our seats… [Read More]
Why Battle-Axes Matter: Francesca da Rimini at the Metropolitan Opera
We saw Francesca da Rimini at the Met this weekend, and the division between us continues. Gosh I hope this doesn’t affect our future marriage. Elizabeth-Francesca da Rimini was possibly the most forgettable opera I have seen yet. Though it is possible, of course there may be others that I have seen and already forgotten. The… [Read More]
Opera Lady and the Zombie Apocalypse
During my time marooned in rural Iowa helping my mother at her isolated quasi-plantation last year, I had an excess of quiet time with which to think so therefore understandably spent a great deal of that time worrying about the house being attacked by zombies. True, watching excessive amounts of The Walking Dead alone late… [Read More]