The Relativity of Time and Back Pain: Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg at the Metropolitan Opera

Elizabeth – Wagner really outdid himself with Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg.  Everyone knows Wagner is long; longer than most other operas. But Meistersinger’s season premiere began at 6pm and ended at 12:10am. I requested special dispensation from work to make the curtain time and dressed as though I was flying to London (because I may as… [Read More]

Batman and Opera (volume one)

Our friends over at the great Operagasm have fused two of my great passions and posted a link to an episode of the 1968 animated Batman and Robin show entitled Opera Buffa.  There’s not actual opera in it BUT the Joker does plan to steal a 2 million dollar gold tiara from the set of… [Read More]