Batman and Opera (volume one)

Our friends over at the great Operagasm have fused two of my great passions and posted a link to an episode of the 1968 animated Batman and Robin show entitled Opera Buffa.  There’s not actual opera in it BUT the Joker does plan to steal a 2 million dollar gold tiara from the set of… [Read More]

Choral Excellence, Free Ricola and Eric Owens as the Devil: Mefistofele at Carnegie Hall

As my lovely fiancée had an engagement doing good deeds, I asked my friend, Bryce, to Guest Commentate for the evening.  Shawn – First off, Carnegie Hall has huge dispensers with free Ricola at every lobby entrance to the theatre.  Met take note!  Would help the endless cacophony of coughing and hacking that plagues every… [Read More]

NYCO in the Rearview Mirror: Carlisle Floyd and Sherrill Milnes on New York City Opera

Sherrill Milnes and Carlisle Floyd share with us their memories of New York City Opera, thoughts on NYCO’s closing and advice for opera companies moving forward. Sherrill Milnes – “I did three years (at NYCO) 1964-5 and ’66 and then I came back a couple of times as a guest, sang in Beverly’s farewell, I did… [Read More]