How To Give Great Phone Sex: A Cautionary Tale

  Earlier this year I sprained AND strained my shoulder and subluxated a rib while staying at my Mom’s in Northeastern Iowa.   It took nearly eight weeks to completely recover.  Here’s how it went down. My lovely and special young lady friend and I were having a very intense conversation on the phone super late… [Read More]

Vocal Folds, Frilly Shirts and Hair Dryers: General Misconceptions About Opera (and Life) Growing Up with Opera Singers

1.  The use of a hairdryer is a vital aesthetic and artistic statement. 2.  Tosca, the story of a happy go lucky baron with a heart of gold and a user friendly SM/Leather fetish, ends after the second act.  3.  Don Giovanni is a love story and somehow being dragged bodily to hell is a… [Read More]

BREAKING NEWS! Peter Gelb uses urinal. Has change of heart amidst intense internet criticism. Then uses stall.

Preliminary reports are trickling in from the Lincoln Center area of Peter Gelb using a urinal in a men’s room.   Witnesses report halfway through his famed and intricate hand washing ritual, Gelb experienced a change of heart amidst intense internet criticsm and then entered a stall for several hours. More on this story as… [Read More]

Portrait of the Young Artist as a Middle Aged Gay Man

I started dressing like a middle aged wealthy gay man when I was 9.  I would wear a purple silk ascot, double breasted velvet blazer and penny loafers (with actual pennies in them) to Church on Sundays.    Being raised by your opera diva mother does odd things to your psyche, what can I tell you?… [Read More]

The Opera Queen and I

This past fall I saw Anna Bolena at the Met.  I went with a dear super hottie super platonic friend of mine who was perfect enough to get us tickets.   It’s a hot show so we were up in the nose bleeds a bit but there aren’t really bad seats in the Met.  I immediately… [Read More]