Sondra Radvanovsky in Toronto: A Heavily Nom de Plumed Perspective


Our new, knowledgable and heavily nom de plumed contributor Loki von Karajan recently saw Sondra Radvanovsky in Toronto and has something to say about it… Loki – This week, I found myself in Toronto and jumped at the chance to hear a singer I greatly admire, Ms. Sondra Radvanovsky, in concert. I’m used to seeing this… [Read More]

Minimalist Druids and Shiny Druid Queens: Norma at the Metropolitan Opera

Elizabeth – Last night we saw the wonderful Sondra Radvanovsky as Norma.  I had seen her before at the Met in Un Ballo in Maschera, but Bellini’s Norma was really written as a vehicle for great female singers. Radvanovsky was great, I particularly liked her first Act aria, “Casta Diva”.  The sustained notes she held and… [Read More]

Zoot Suits, Broadswords and Benny Hill: Ballo at the Metropolitan Opera

We recently went to Ballo at the Met.   I had never seen it before so I was excited.   But I quickly ended up feeling like I had entered The Twilight Zone.  Most of the audience was going wild for the production and I was surprised at what I was seeing and hearing.  Now, the music… [Read More]