Sondra Radvanovsky in Toronto: A Heavily Nom de Plumed Perspective


Our new, knowledgable and heavily nom de plumed contributor Loki von Karajan recently saw Sondra Radvanovsky in Toronto and has something to say about it… Loki – This week, I found myself in Toronto and jumped at the chance to hear a singer I greatly admire, Ms. Sondra Radvanovsky, in concert. I’m used to seeing this… [Read More]

Merrily Widowing in Two Dimensions: The Merry Widow at the Metropolitan Opera

Elizabeth – The Met’s new production of Merry Widow has been described as a transitional vehicle for Renee Fleming’s move out of opera and into Broadway. With Broadway producer/choreographers and actors all around her on her home court, it would seem Fleming would shine. And while Fleming clearly is the star, it was a shame her… [Read More]

Super Bowl Mermaids Live!: Rusalka at the Metropolitan Opera

Elizabeth – In the past few years of attending opera I have known who Renée Fleming is, of course, but had never heard her sing.  To opera aficionados this is probably embarrassing, or at least something I shouldn’t admit.  Actually my first time hearing her was on the David Letterman show just a few months ago… [Read More]