Leitmotifs: A Fun Game to Play with Your Fingers and Your Ears

This is no doubt at least in part due to our newly acquired Wagner Addiction and Uber Nerd-dom, but we found Metoperafamily.org’s Ring Cycle personal Leitmotif generator really fun and diverting.  Answer a series of questions and you will hear an audio clip of the Ring Cycle Leitmotif that best suits you and a short… [Read More]

Wagner and The Machine Infernal: Das Rheingold at the Metropolitan Opera

We saw the season premiere of Das Rheingold at the Met this weekend.  I had never seen it and neither of us had seen the Met’s Robert Lepage production.  While there was much fine singing the series of onstage technical snafus made for an interesting matinee.  Elizabeth – This was the first time attending any… [Read More]