Shawn- The small older crowd in the Chelsea theatre needed help with the ticket printing machines. The young usher, with “The Lone Ranger” printed on his red shirt, seemed to enjoy saying, “We’re not letting in for the opera yet.” As he said it at least four times in the exact same way. It sounded both foreign and excited and may have been the first time the word opera had ever been on his lips. That and the general enthusiasm of the older crowd waiting to get in got me excited as well. I was still confused by the complex details of the distribution deal and lack of previous release in the US. Especially as “From the director of Thor” is prominently listed at the top of The Magic Flute one sheet. If the nearly half a billion dollar worldwide grosses of Thor were not enough to get the film even a DVD release in this country what could be wrong with it?

And the majority of performances were strong. Rene Pape particularly is striking both vocally and physically onscreen. He could have a second career as a Bond villain I think. Lyubov Petrova as the Queen of the Night has a harder time and is not served by Branagh’s extreme close ups of her mouth during the more difficult vocal passages. I also found myself wondering why Branagh didn’t get Diana Damrau for the Queen of the Night, as she is the current reigning queen of the Queens.
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I’m just in love with your blog! Seriously! 🙂
Have you ever considered opera from the French perspective? I recommend this:
Thank you! And thank you for reading!
Will check it out. 🙂