We went to out first Met opera of the season last night. Turandot. I had never seen it in its entirety and never live so I was excited. It was also being broadcast on the Met’s Sirius Radio Channel. After passing ads in the lobby for special reward programs for people under 40, we took our seats in row Z. I couldn’t help but notice how many open seats there were all over the orchestra section. And this was with a buy one ticket get one for 50% off promotion. Perhaps the Jewish holiday was to blame. (I did see Kofi Annan I think down in the front though which made me happy.)

Really informative. And as if it was something the audience was doing. “So sorry the intermission is taking longer than expected but John Corn is still in the men’s room AND we haven’t sold the last crummy seventeen dollar dill cream cheese and salmon sandwich so…”
Intermissions don’t TAKE longer. They last longer because of delays with the show. I am still assuming it was a technical snafu with the Sirius broadcast. Why do we the audience have to pay for the Met’s Sirius snafus? Even if we are getting our second ticket for 50% off. I almost hoped there would be a riot. A calm, dignified, well mannered riot, but a riot nonetheless.

But, as I said, it was still lovely. I can’t imagine how breathtaking it is when all the pieces click as they were intended to.
The conductor had a lovely knee length jacket. And super neat David Lynch-y hair I really liked. Even if the brass blew a wildly discordant and wrong note at the end. And so begins the 2012-2013 Met Opera season.
-Elizabeth Frayer
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