Elizabeth – After seeing William Kentridge’s new production of Lulu on opening night at the Met, I realized I needed to see it a second time in order to fully take in the opera. So we went again (thank you Met Rush lottery!) this past Saturday for one of the final performances. This production has so much going on.

Shawn – I enjoyed William Kentridge’s production of The Nose two years ago so immensely, I basically built our season this year around his new production of Lulu. We then ended up rushing tickets to see Lulu a second time. I needed to in order to even begin to unravel the aesthetic density of it all. Two highly dense and evocative artistic endeavors are occurring simultaneously onstage. Berg’s opera itself and William Kentridge’s production of it. This is not a bad thing. This is what the Met should be doing, bringing in serious world class visual artists in an attempt to create challenging and thought provoking productions that linger far after the curtain has fallen. Think Parsifal, the aforementioned The Nose, Anthony Minghella’s Madama Butterfly; these all have moments that stick with me vividly to this day.
– Elizabeth Frayer & Shawn E Milnes
Related Links:
Wild Audiences, Roses and Spectacle: Il Trovatore and Turandot at the Metropolitan Opera
Runny Noses, Russian and Otherwise: The Nose at the Metropolitan Opera
A Womb in the Country: Ethel Smyth’s The Wrecker’s at Bard SummerScape
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